20 minutes of using your phone a day increases your risk of brain tumor threefold
20 minutes of using your phone a day for 5 years increases your risk of some brain tumors threefold, and one hour of using your phone a day for 4 years increases your risk 3-5 times.
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Research finds clear link between cell phone use and low sperm count
A new study from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology claims that men who speak for more than an hour a day on a cellphone double their risk of damaging their sperm count.
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Cell phones held closely to the head may affect the brain and other tissues
Cell phones have become so much more than devices we use to speak to one another; they’re also alarm clocks, flashlights, video game platforms, calendars and more.
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Mobiles seem to impair the effectiveness of saliva at protecting our teeth from decay
London – Back and neck pain isn’t the only problem that may be caused by using your mobile.
We look at some of the other ways in which your phone could affect your health …
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The World Health Organization lists mobile phones in the "carcinogenic hazard" category
(CNN) — Radiation from cell phones can possibly cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization. The agency now lists mobile phone use in the same “carcinogenic hazard” category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform.
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People using mobiles are prone to high blood pressure and symptoms such as headaches & fatigue
New Delhi: With increasing technological advancement, mobile phones are being used extensively in the world. Important conversations can be carried out over mobile phones and it can prove to be useful during emergencies.
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It’s dangerous to use your phone for more than 1 hour a day, fewer than 50 cm from your groin
An under-the-radar Israeli study, published late last year, provides relatively strong evidence that some cell phone usage can and will affect men’s sperm counts.
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Keeping a smartphone in a trouser pocket can have a detrimental effect on male fertility.
At the moment, about 14% of couples living in high and middle-income countries have difficulty conceiving, and unexplained declines in semen quality have been reported in several countries.
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EM radiation breaks down the blood brain barrier, can damage DNA, affect male fertility, and more
Melbourne: People these days are practically glued to their smartphones, but you should place some distance between yourself and your phone and avoid keeping them in bras and trousers.
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5 minutes about electromagnetic radiation

Recent research found link between sleeping next to your phone and damage to body cells, sleep deprivation, and stress.
With technology becoming a major part of our everyday lives, constant texting, checking emails and also sitting in front of the desktop for long hours are leading to problems that have lasting impacts on our mental and physical health.

Children face a higher health risk for developing brain cancer from cell phones
New Delhi: With increasing technological advancement, mobile phones are being used extensively in the world. Important conversations can be carried out over mobile phones and it can prove to be useful during emergencies.They are portable so one can carry them wherever they want to.
Children's brains absorb more radiation than adult brains.
Children have smaller heads than adults. The radiation goes deeper into their brains because they have a shorter distance from their skull to their brain center. Government regulations were based on a 220 pound man’s head, not a child’s head.
Children face a higher health risk for developing brain cancer from cell phones
With increasing technological advancement, mobile phones are being used extensively in the world. Important conversations can be carried out over mobile phones and it can prove to be useful during emergencies.They are portable so one can carry them wherever they want to.
International Scientists Warn Against The EM Radiation Emitted By Electronic Gadgets
An international team of experts has reportedly appealed to the United Nations and the World Health Organization to consider precautionary measures against the electromagnetic field and use of wireless technology.
Beau Biden's brain cancer death: Part of an epidemic fostered by mobile phones?
This weekend news of the death of Beau Biden, the son of current U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden, has brought attention to the increasing incidence of brain cancers among the population.
Alarming Health effects of cell phone use found in research were discussed
Alarming Health effects of cell phone use found in research were discussed in a senate appropriations committee as early as Sep. 14 2009.
Mobile phone industry sues California town over radiation warning law
The always-progressive California town of Berkeley recently passed a law demanding an extra radiation exposure warning for mobile phone buyers — and is now being hit with a lawsuit by the industry to block the ordinance.
Italian Town Shuts Down Wi-Fi Over Health Fears Of Electromagnetic Waves
The mayor of Borgofranco d’lvra, a town in Piedmont, Italy, told the town’s high school and elementary school to shut down its Wi-Fi and return to using cables to connect to the internet after hearing rumors that electromagnetic waves given off by wireless routers can make children sick.
Radiofrequency electromagnetic radiaction and the health of Canadians
At the time that the motion was adopted, the 2009 version of Limits of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Energy in the Frequency Range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz…
WiFi Exposure: An Epidemic in the Making
WiFi Exposure: An Epidemic in the Making.
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