Vest Microwave Radiation Shield | VEST | Radiation Blocking Products for Everyday Use

Vest Microwave Radiation Shield


A microwave oven emits potentially dangerous radiation, particularly in close proximity to an operating device. Vest Microwave Shield minimizes radiation exposure using a shield that well blends with the kitchen décor.

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How does it work?
Vest Microwave Radiation Shield contains high conductivity aluminum layer, reducing radiation emitted from the Microwave device by up to 78%.
Moreover, vest Microwave Radiation Shield provides maximum protection at the highest radiation emitting area of the device – its bottom front door.

•       Reducing radiation exposure by up to 78%
•       FCC Certified Laboratories tested and proven
•       Easily attached
•       A contemporary and organic design

Vest Microwave Shield is 37 cm wide, 24 cm height

Package contains
•       1 Microwave Radiation Shield
•       1 booklet


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