WiFi In Schools, Health Risks And Solutions
A 21st century classroom must bridge the digital divide so that all students are engaged with technology. Best Practices for schools allows for full technological access in the classroom while minimizing health risk so that schools and safe technology can work together.
Millions of children and adults in schools around the world spend significant amounts of time around wireless devices and Wi-Fi. Many schools are introducing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies and installing industrial wireless routers for tablets. However, wireless devices expose students and staff to microwave radiation that can impede learning and overall health. Studies have shown that microwave radiation can damage reproductive systems, impact the immune system, alter brain functioning, and may increase cancer risk. Tablets have up to 5 antennae that are constantly emitting short intense bursts of radiation even when not connected to the Internet. Wireless devices in classrooms thus result in multiple sources of wireless radiation exposure.Solutions Exist
Schools are are becoming increasingly aware that healthy and environmentally friendly facilities foster academic achievement and staff well-being. Low-EMF Best Practices allow for schools and safe technology to work together, using safe wired internet connections, thus reducing the overall impact on students and staff. Schools can incorporate Safe Tech Curriculum into health classes so that they can use their devices more safely at home, as well at school.
EHT has developed resources for parents to use so they can approach their children’s school on this issue. Please take the time to scroll though this page so all your questions are answered.
Letter on Wi-Fi in School for Principal: This has the latest research and you can send it to the administrator to begin this important conversation on safe technology. Download the letter for your school.
FactSheet: What Parents Need to Know About Wireless Radiation,
BabySafe Project: “Reduce Your Wireless Exposure” English Brochure, Spanish Brochure
New Jersey Education Association “Minimize health risks from electronic devices” Article, PDF of Recommendations
American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendation Protect The Ones You Love Card English,Spanish
Join Us
The Environmental Health Trust continues to develop materials for schools and parents on Schools and Safe Technology. We are partnering with schools to decrease children’s wireless exposure. Every Step Counts! Please contact EHT if you would like to discuss your school’s needs and resources with us. We are hoping to foster informed dialogue to support schools and the students they serve. Please review our documents so that we can tailor them to meet your needs — so send us your comments and questions!
Tips for Safer Tech in Schools
- Hardwire all devices that connect to the Internet such as computers and tablets.
- Hardwire all fixed devices such as printers, overhead projectors and boards.
- Teach students about how to minimize radio frequency radiation exposures.
- Integrate SAFE TECH into health curriculum.
- Explore the politics of the precautionary principle in ethics and debate classes.
- Share resources with parents on how to decrease exposures at home.
- Integrate SAFE TECH into your school’s official Bring Your Own Device Policy.
- Hold a staff meeting and PTA meeting to share this information.
View/Download our Resources for Schools below:
Download PDF Doctors Letters on Children and the Health Risks of Wireless
What resources can I share with my school?
Please scroll down to see the best practices tht have been developed by experts.
2017 News! Maryland Children’s Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council recommendations to reduce radio frequency radiation in school classrooms (CEHPAC): Press Release, Report, Council webpage, Newspaper Green Gazette article on the recommendations
- Environmental Health Trust spearhead the effort of raising this issue to the MD expert Council. In 2016 they issued recommendations to limit and decrease RF exposure in classrooms. Learn more here.
EHT’s Wireless Radiation and Children’s Health: This document provides information and links to sources that discuss the critical issues regarding school technology, including: Health Issues and Best Practices for Technology. The second half of the document contains internet-linked research studies.
Safe Schools 2012. A document detailing medical and scientific experts calling for safe technologies in schools.
Wi-Fi in Canadian Schools: A Health and Safety Issue: Read a detailed document of peer-reviewed scientific studies (50) documenting potentially harmful biological effects of Wi-Fi frequency (2.4-2.45 GHz) at or below Health Canada’s Safety Code. (Note: Canada, Australia and US RF Limits are similar)
International Precautionary Policy by Governments: Over twenty countries are taking various action to reduce radiation exposure to children. This document details each country and the various policy and policy efforts underway. EHT updates it 4 times a year.
Children & Wireless FAQs Fact Sheet: This Q and A details many questions that parents and school officials have about this issue.
2012 AAP Letter for the Cell Phone Right to Know Act: This letter from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) details the organization’s support of the Cell Phone Right to Know Act, and states that children are more vulnerable to cell phone radiation. The AAP also wrote the FCC in 2013 calling for a review of RF guidelines.
Upper Sturt Primary School WiFi and Cell Phone Policy: The Upper Sturt School has an excellent safe technology policy on WiFi and Wireless that can be used as a template for other schools looking for an example of how to approach this issue.
Schools, Unions & PTAs Precautionary Actions: Many unions and PTA’s are taking action on this issue. This is the current list with hyperlinks.
CHPS Low EMF Criteria Fact Sheet: The Collaborative for High Performance Schools has developed Best Practices for LOW EMF classrooms that details how schools can replace wireless networks with wired networks.
Big Data: A Paradigm Shift in Education: Read Peter Hensigner’s report on digital media and children’s development which looks at health, safety, learning and and privacy issues.
Generation Zapped: This film is an excellent introduction to the issue and many schools are screening the film to educate the school community.
What resources can I share with friends so they can educate themselves about this issue?
Environmental Health Trust Educate Yourself Page
Grassroots Environmental Education
The BabySafe Project for Pregnant Women
What Resources Exist For Detailing Best Technology Practice In A School Setting?
Letter on Wi-Fi in School for Principal: This has the latest research and you can send it to the administrator to begin this important conversation on safe technology.
Several organizations have developed best practices for schools. Several teacher unions and governments have as well. Please see the below information.
Collaborative For High Performance Schools Low-EMF Best Practices Criteria
Best Practice Standards for Screen and Radiation in Schools Safe Schools policy: by Cris Rowan, Dr. Lennart Hardell, Tarmo Koppel, Sveinn Kjartansson and Stella Saemundsdottir
Best Technology Practices Example: Upper Sturt Wireless Policy
Canadian Teacher Federations Brief “The Use of Wi-Fi in Schools”
Read policy efforts by governments such as France, Israel, Belgium and Spain.
What Materials Detail Simple Steps That Families Can Take At Home To Reduce Exposures?
Vienna Medical Association Cell Phone Tips Full Poster Printable PDF
Doctors Advice on Cell Phones Brochure
Doctor’s Advice on Wireless Brochure
BabySafe Recommendation Booklet for Women, PDF of Printable Poster
EHT’s Ten Steps to Safe Technology
What resources can I share with my pediatrician?
New Jersey Education Association “Minimize health risks from electronic devices” Article, PDF of Recommendations
Read a the Santa Clara Medical Bulletin article by Dr. Cindy Russell on Schools and Wireless
EHT’s Briefing Wireless Radiation and Children’s Health
Safe Schools 2012, Wi-Fi in Canadian Schools: A Health and Safety Issue
Upper Sturt Primary School WiFi and Cell Phone Policy: A great example of policy independant schools can practically implement.
Collaborative for High Performing Schools Low EMF Criteria/Blueprint For Schools: This criteria gives plans to school on how to reduce and eliminate exposures.
Consumer Reports, CNN Sanjay Gupta, The Today Show, Green America, Canada AM,
Connecticut Department of Health, Vienna Medical Association, Cyprus Medical Association,Athens Medical Association, Child and Youth Service Geneva Switzerland, EMF Scientist Appeal
American Academy of Pediatrics Letter to the FCC on Radiofrequency Fields 8/29/2013
AAP Letter to Rep. Kucinich Support of H.R. 6358, Cell Phone Right to Know 12/2012
Textbook of Children’s Environmental Health, 2013 Edited by Philip J. Landrigan and Ruth A. Etzel, Chapter 41. Electromagnetic Fields by Kurt Straiff, Robert Baan, and Neela Guha
The BioInitiative 2012 Report on Electromagnetic Fields
Where can I learn more about the science?
Environmental Health Trust webpage on science and health
TRANSCEND Research Program (Martha Herbert)
EMF Portal An extensive literature database from Aachen University
Collaborative on Health and the Environment/Electromagnetic Fields
Wi-Fi in Canadian Schools: A Health and Safety Issue: Read a detailed document of peer-reviewed scientific studies (50) documenting potentially harmful biological effects of Wi-Fi frequency (2.4-2.45 GHz) at or below Health Canada’s Safety Code. (Note: Canada, Australia and US RF Limits are similar)
I am concerned about all the screentime in school. Where can I learn more about the impact of screens and social media on children’s development?
Campaign for a Commercial free Childhood Website
How to Make a Family Media Use Plan AAP HealthyChildren.org
Children, Adolescents and Media
The Impact of Social Media Use on Children, Adolescents and Families (AAP Clinical Report)
Children, Adolescents, Obesity and the Media (AAP Policy Statement)
Sexuality, Contraception, and the Media (AAP Policy Statement)
Media Use By Children Younger Than 2 Years (AAP Policy Statement)
Talking to Kids and Teens About Social Media and Sexting
Center on Media and Child Health: Boston Children’s Hospital
What are experts recommending to schools about wireless radiation?
Environmental Health Trust has written several letters to school districts and educational institutions recommending safe wired technology in school.
In 2015 scientists wrote the Secretary of Education. Please click here to see the letter. In addition Dr Davis wrote several school umbrella organizations such as the National Education Association and National Association of Independent Schools (Please see the bottom of this page for the full list of letters by EHT.)
Letters to the Montgomery County Maryland School District: Dr. Martha Herbert’s Letter, Dr. Anthony Miller’s Letter, Dr. Lennart Hardell’s Letter , Dr. Carpenters Letter, Dr. Olle Johansson’s Letter, Dr. Devra Davis’ Letter , Cris Rowan’s Letter, Dr. Martin Pall’s letter, Katie Singer’s Letter,Cindy Sage and Trevor Marshal Letter, Ellie Marks Letter , Arthur Firstenberg Letter, Mikko Ahonen PhD, Lena Hedendahl MD and Tarmo Koppel MSc PhDs Letter, Cece Doucette’s Letter, Alisdair Philips Letter, Lloyd Morgan’s Letter , Peter Sullivan’s letter.
2014: Four Expert Letters on Wifi in School sent to the Fay School
Dr. Blank, Dr Johansson, Dr. Sinatra, and Dr. Carpenter advising against Wireless systems.
2017: Dr. Hugh Scully Testimony to the City of Toronto
2015: Wi-Fi in Canadian Schools: A Health and Safety Issue:
2015: Open Letter to the Canadian Council of Education Ministers asking for removal of wireless radiation from school environments. This council oversees all Ministers of Education in Canada.
by Cris Rowan, BScOT, BScBi, SIPT
2011: Dr. Steven Sinatra Letter to the Kawartha School Board
Additional Letters of Note:
2015: Message to Public Schools about Wireless Devices by Ron Powell, PhD
2014: Frank Clegg’ Letter to Denmark’s Committee on Radiation Protection on school.
2014: Letter to Education Super Highway CEOs by Bioinitiative Report Co-Editors in response to the CEO’s calling for the FCC to quickly create a school wireless infrastructure.
2013: Irish Doctors Environmental Association Letter
Letters to the Los Angeles Unified School District, California.
Olle Johansson’s Letter, Dr. Martin Blank’s Letter, Dr. Joel Moskowitz, Dr. Martha Herbert’s Letter
Letters from the Environmental Health Trust to School Administrators and Organizations
In August 2014, Dr. Devra Davis sent letters to the following organizations informing them of the potential health risks of wireless networks in their schools. The letters detail how schools can use safe technology best practices and raise awareness on this issue to protect students and staff. Please click on the links below to download these letters.
Letter to U.S. Secretary of Education from EHT on Wireless in Schools October 13 2015
National Association of State Boards of Education
National Education Association
National Association of Independent Schools
National Catholic Educational Association
AISNE-Association of Independent Schools in New England
Independent Education
Association of Independent Maryland & DC Schools
National Association of Private Schools
National Parent Teacher Association
Friends Council on Education
National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools
National Association of Catholic School Teachers
Association of Jewish Family & Children’s Services
Association of Waldorf Schools of North America
New Jersey Association of Jewish Day Schools
PARDeS: Progressive Association of Reform Day Schools
For more scientific evidence on the negative health impact of wireless radiation, refer to our Wireless Radiation FAQ’S. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.