mobile phone radiation | VEST | Radiation Blocking Products for Everyday Use

WiFi In Schools, Health Risks And Solutions

WiFi In Schools, Health Risks And Solutions   A 21st century classroom must bridge the digital divide so that all students are engaged with technology. Best Practices for schools allows for full technological access in the classroom while minimizing health risk so...
Wi-Fi Radiation Health Risks – What You Need to Know

Wi-Fi Radiation Health Risks – What You Need to Know

Wi-Fi Radiation is All Around Us Wi-Fi is currently present almost everywhere: in our houses, schools, hospitals, public places, public transportation and lately on planes as well. It is used to connect our devices to the internet or local network, used to connect...
Top 6 Risks Of Using Phone With a Cracked Screen

Top 6 Risks Of Using Phone With a Cracked Screen

What are the implications of using a phone with a cracked screen? In the days of Nokia 3310, dropping your phone was no big deal. You pick it up, dust it off, and put it back in your pocket. These days, however, dropping your smartphone gives you that mini heart...
Does 5G Internet Cause More Health Problems? What You Need To Know

Does 5G Internet Cause More Health Problems? What You Need To Know

5G Mobile Internet Connection & Health When it comes to mobile internet connection, faster is always better. These days, we already have access to fast data speeds, and we can look forward to lighting-fast speeds once 5G internet becomes operational. So what is...
Top 10 Radiation Emitting Cell Phones

Top 10 Radiation Emitting Cell Phones

What is the SAR level of your mobile phone?  Every year, we are introduced to new smartphone models—sleeker, shinier, and ultimately more powerful versions of their predecessors. However, don’t be too quick to turn in your old smartphone for the latest model — be sure...
VEST | Radiation Blocking Products for Everyday Use

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