WiFi In Schools, Health Risks And Solutions
WiFi In Schools, Health Risks And Solutions A 21st century classroom must bridge the digital divide so that all students are engaged with technology. Best Practices for schools allows for full technological access in the classroom while minimizing health risk so...
Wi-Fi Radiation Health Risks – What You Need to Know
Wi-Fi Radiation is All Around Us Wi-Fi is currently present almost everywhere: in our houses, schools, hospitals, public places, public transportation and lately on planes as well. It is used to connect our devices to the internet or local network, used to connect...
How Cell Phone Radiation Affects our Brain’s Activity
The affects of cell phone radiation on our brain and body Let’s be honest, the debate on whether WiFi / Cell Phone radiation is not over yet. Although recent studies showed that such radiation may, in fact, contribute to the creation of cancer cells, some studies...
New Official Guidelines to Reduce Cellphone Radiation
Over the past few weeks and following California Health Official’s formal guidelines to help limit exposure to cell phone radiation, we have seen an increasing number of researchers and articles bringing back to the center of attention the health and safety...
5 Ways To Treat Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
Can you get sick with your nonstop smartphone use? It turns out, you can develop electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) from frequent use of tech gadgets–including your smartphone, tablet, laptop, TV and even Wi-Fi routers. While there is no conclusive list of...
3 Practical Ways You Can Protect Kids From Radiation From Their Favorite Gadgets
These days, it’s becoming the norm for young kids to be seen fiddling with the latest smartphones, tablets or laptops. Gadgets keep kids preoccupied with games and videos; It’s also a great learning supplement. The benefits of tech gadgets for kids are quite obvious,...
5 Ways To Limit Your Radiation Exposure In Long Haul Flights
Just how much electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation are you being exposed to whenever you take a long haul flight? The aircraft, in itself, is made up of hundreds of electronics that help it function. Add that to the hundreds of smartphones, tablets, laptops and...
Top 7 Streaming Series For Your Next Couch Marathon
Top video streaming shows (and how you can reduce radiation exposure while binge-watching) The phrase “Netflix and Chill” has become the anthem of every long weekend and holiday break of the average American. Not just Netflix, other streaming sites like Hulu and...
Top 6 Risks Of Using Phone With a Cracked Screen
What are the implications of using a phone with a cracked screen? In the days of Nokia 3310, dropping your phone was no big deal. You pick it up, dust it off, and put it back in your pocket. These days, however, dropping your smartphone gives you that mini heart...
How Smart Homes Can Increase Your Family’s Exposure to Radiation
The Internet of Things (IOT) & The Smart Home Revolution Almost all homeowners ask themselves the same questions everyday: did I turn the kitchen light off? Did I set the security alarm? Did I leave the iron or stove on? If you have a smart home, these are common...
4 Health Risks From Using Virtual Reality Headsets
VR/AR Health Risks Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are gaining momentum as promising new technologies. They can potentially expand the field of human knowledge by changing how people learn, work, play and entertain themselves. High-tech VR and AR...
5 Types Of Protective Shield Every Tech Geek Should Have
What Are EMF Protective Shields? Tech gadgets are a ubiquitous part of people’s daily lives. It’s almost impossible to spend a day without using some form of electronics – from cellphones to laptops to microwave ovens. Incessant use of technology, however, also means...
Top 3 Possible Dangers Of Self-Driving Cars
Tech experts say the future of transportation includes self-driving cars. To date, there are more than 200 tech companies and start-ups who are looking to take part in the automotive revolution. The premise of the self-driving car is that manual navigation by humans...
Is Your Health At Risk With The Latest Samsung S8?
Cell Phone Radiation Review: Samsung S8 SAR Levels Tech giant Samsung recently released its latest smartphone offering, the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus, and it has been getting rave reviews from fans all over the world. The new Samsung Galaxy S8 boasts of a bigger 5.8”...
6 Possible Health Risks Caused by Public Wi-Fi
The risks of public Wi-Fi Many cities around the world are offering free Wi-Fi for the public, allowing people to be connected anytime, anywhere. Free public Wi-Fi uses an unlicensed broadcast spectrum or sometimes, airwaves, to broadcast internet connection. Antennas...
Does 5G Internet Cause More Health Problems? What You Need To Know
5G Mobile Internet Connection & Health When it comes to mobile internet connection, faster is always better. These days, we already have access to fast data speeds, and we can look forward to lighting-fast speeds once 5G internet becomes operational. So what is...
Top 4 Questions & Answers On Choosing The Right Radiation Protection Products For Your Family
Choosing the right radiation protection products Gadgets and electronic devices were created to assist people in going about their daily lives with ease and efficiency. The catch: harmful electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation came along with it. Commonly used tech...
6 Ways to Keep Your Home Safe from Radiation Exposure
Home Radiation Safety Tips Our exposure to electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) is at an all time high, thanks to the plethora of electronics and gadgets that we use at home. In fact, EMF radiation is nearly impossible to get away from, since we are mostly dependent on...